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The Leader Within

The book that changed MY LIFE!

four agreements life changing book Oct 27, 2022

Hi Test,
One of my all-time favorite books is the The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. …
Definitely a must read for all of the reformed perfectionist in the building :-) .
The reason that this book resonated with me so is because it helped me start on the path to rebuilding and living the life of my dreams with 4 simple agreements or what you could call life rules.

The book is about reclaiming your power, eliminating fear, and not depleting your personal energy.

This is definitely a must read because after reading, I was like, Well heck, THIS IS SO SIMPLE.

1. Be impeccable with your word
2. Don’t take anything personally
3. Don’t make assumptions
4. Always do your best!

The one agreement that stands out the most is and don’t take anything personally (I think that was a song too).

Don Miguel Ruiz explains that when someone has a problem with you, the problem is theirs and not yours. Regardless of who you are, them not being able to tolerate the person you are is THEIR PROBLEM, not yours.

In my quest to live and be perfect, I wanted to please. I often sacrificed myself to please others.

The only thing I can think at this point is, wow how much time I wasted.

It’s time to stop wasting time, and start to live the life you imagined. It is time make you the priority and nothing less. It is time to achieve all of your goals and desires and to achieve them by your terms.

Are you ready? Download this 18-Page Colored FREE LIFE GOALS MAPPING GUIDEBOOK.
Click the link below:

It takes 3 very helpful tools and combines them in 1 easy to use guide that not only gets you dream again, but gets an action plan in place to help!

Love & Light,
Dr. Kim